Effective April 19, 2021, out-of-state visitors to Kauai’s Waimea Canyon State Park and Kokee State Park will be required to purchase both entrance and parking permits.
Parking permits were first required in June 2019, with a $5 fee per private vehicle. That fee is now $10. In addition to the parking permits, a new entrance fee of $5 per person is now required. There are no fees for Hawaii residents with a Hawaii Drivers License or Hawaii State ID.
For example, if there are two passengers in your one vehicle, you will need to purchase two entry reservations and one parking. Entry and Parking will be good throughout both parks, you do not need to pay more than once to visit both parks, reports the Division of State Parks.
Parking fees for commercial vehicles (tour buses, etc.) also increased, from $10 to $25 for 1-7 passenger vehicles, from $20 to $40 for 8-25 passenger vehicles and from $40 to $90 for 26+ passenger vehicles. Visitors using commercial tour operators may notice an increase in tour fees due to these increases.
Payments are made at kiosks (also called pay boxes) set up at several locations, including the Waimea Canyon Overlook and the Kalalau Lookout parking areas.
Despite the new entrance fee and the increase in parking fees, a visit to Waimea Canyon and Kokee is still one of the best deals of any kind in the world, in our opinion!
Waimea Canyon and Kokee Entrance Fees
- Hawaii residents: no charge
- Visitors: $5 per person
Waimea Canyon and Kokee Parking Fees
- Hawaii residents: no charge
- Visitors: $10 per vehicle
Commercial PUC vehicle:
- 1-7 passenger vehicles: $25
- 8-25 passenger vehicles: $40
- 26 + passenger vehicles: $90